Its name derives from the Latin corneus, meaning horn, for its hard, strong and shock resistant wood; and florida for its floral abundance early in the spring.
Its name derives from the Latin corneus, meaning horn, for its hard, strong and shock resistant wood; and florida for its floral abundance early in the spring.
Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily, Tritoma
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The plant’s original name Tritoma comes from the Greek for thrice-cut, a reference to their long leaves with very clearly defined three surfaces. Uva is Latin for bunch of grapes, describing the inflorescent arrangement of the blooms.
Oddly enough the Calla is not a member of the lily family. It belongs to the Araceae, and its common relatives are philodendron, aglaonema, caldium, anthurium, jack-in-the-pulpit.
The genus name is from the Sanskrit dhatt?rah (plant, thorn apple) and stramonium is originally from Greek, strychnos for “nightshade” and maniakos for “mad”. It is also known as Devil’s Apple, Apple of Peru, Stinkweed, Jamestown-weed. Jimson-weed, Devil’s Trumpet & moonflower. Little wonder that Susan spent days researching the correct identity of her daunting spiny seedpod, before confirming it as D. stramonium.
‘Tis customary as we part
A trinket to confer—
It helps to stimulate the faith
When lovers be afar—
‘Tis various—as the various taste—
Clematis—journeying far—
Presents me with a single Curl
Of her Electric Hair…