Tag Archives: 2014



Trillium cuneatum, T. erectum, T. grandiflorum, T. luteum, T.  ovatum

In upstate NY if you walk by a shady meadow in early May you might find it carpeted with white or red speckles. If your curiosity is sufficiently aroused you might take a closer look and be rewarded with a wondrous discovery. more…

Crocosmia crocosmiiflora


‘Lucifer’ (Falling stars, Coppertips)
11″ x 16″, 2014
Prints available
The August garden tends to look tired and frazzled, like Cinderella after the ball. But one exotic plant that dazzles and bewitches is Crocosmia. more…

Rosa sp.

Rosa sp.

Rose hips
Image size 5½” x 3½”, 2014
Prints available

Passiflora violacea


Purple passionflower
10″ x 14″
Prints available

Passionflowers had been on my wish-list for years but the quest for the plant in our local nurseries summer after summer proved futile. After three years when I’d quite given up I spotted a woman wearing a passionflower in her hair & learned she grows numerous varieties of passiflora—she is passionately fond of them. Was that my lucky day! more…